
At ATM Megastore, our aim is to help small and medium-sized businesses find the right solution for their ATM-related needs. Therefore, we not only provide you the widest range of retail ATM solutions at market competitive prices, but also offer you extended ATM support online to help you troubleshoot any problem immediately and offer uninterrupted, high-quality services to your customers.

From connectivity problems to common error codes for different ATM brands, this page provides you detailed information on how to fix all the issues and ensure optimum functioning of your automated teller machine. If you’re unable to find the information you’re looking for or if you need ATM support online from our experts, you may contact us through phone or email using the contact information given below.

Email Address: [email protected]

Phone Number: 800-345-1466

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can buying an ATM help me make money?

Yes. Businesses that invest in an ATM make money by collecting surcharge on all withdrawal transactions conducted through the machine. The amount of surcharge ranges from $2 to $3.

In addition to this, it is reported that stores with ATMs installed experience an 8% increase in their total sales.

  1. How much does an automated teller machine cost?

The cost of purchasing and installing an ATM depends on the brand you choose. At ATM Megastore, we offer some of the most reputable ATM brands, including Hantle, Genmega, Hyosung, Triton, and Puloon. In addition to the cost of the equipment, shipping charges and installation charges are also added to the final price.

  1. Do you provide technical support?

Yes. We offer extended ATM support online and offline to all the customers who purchase an ATM from us. Our experts are always ready to provide you telephonic and on-site support to help you troubleshoot any problem immediately.

  1. Are there any special requirements that must be fulfilled to install an ATM?

In order to install an ATM at your facility, you need to have a dedicated 110 power outlet and a phone line within 3 feet of the machine. At ATM Megastore, we also have wireless ATM solutions available for customers who desire greater flexibility.

  1. My ATM shows an error message on the screen. What does this mean?

Your automated teller machine may stop functioning for different reasons. Error codes provide you description and suggest a corrective action that you should take to restore the performance of your machine. You can refer to your online error code resources to comprehend the error message displayed on the screen. If you’re unable to find a particular error code in our online guide, you may contact us at 800-345-1466.

  1. What should I do if I am facing connectivity issues?

Connectivity issues are usually caused by problems in the phone line. Make sure that the phone line is properly plugged into the phone jack in the wall. If you’re able to hear a dial tone and make a call but are still facing connectivity issues, please contact us at 800-345-1466 to get ATM support online from our experts.

Error Code Guide

Automated Teller Machines use error codes to help the user identify the precise problem and resolve it using the resolutions suggested. However, since error codes and their description vary for different ATM brands, it can become difficult for the user to comprehend the code and resolve the issue.

Depending on the brand of your ATM, you may refer to the following resources to address the issue you’re facing.

Genmega Error Codes

There is no comprehensive directory of Genmega error codes available online. However, the product brochures available on the official website of Genmega contain error codes and their description. To get access to Genmega error codes directory, you may visit this link. Select your product and go to the ‘Download’ tab to download the brochure.

Hyosung Error Codes

Hyosung allows its registered customers to access its online support center that contains detailed information on various technical issues. To access the support center, you may visit this link.

Triton Error Codes

Triton error codes can be found on the company’s official website. The search process is quite simple as it allows the user to search manuals and quick reference guides for their Triton ATM using serial number of the product. To download user manual, you may visit this website.

Hantle Error Codes

Unfortunately, Hantle does not offer an online error code guide for its machines. However, being a registered distributor for Hantle, ATM Megastore can provide you detailed information on troubleshooting the commonly encountered problems. To learn more, you can email us at [email protected].

Contact Goldstar ATM